Thank you babes for clicking this post here's where you will find information on your reading and when it's due. This is for people who checked in on time for their readings. This post will also inform you of any delays.
We appreciate you so much for taking time out of your day to review this information ℹ️
📌 Review Our Booking Policy Here📌
*** If you haven't followed our booking policy your name will NOT be on this schedule!
Name | Reading Type | Date scheduled | Date Due | Emergency/Squeeze-In Yes = ✅ No = ❌ | Any Delays? Yes = ✅ No = ❌ | Reading Completed? Yes = ✅ No = ❌ | Notes |
Kita (Text) | Mini | 04-11 | 04-27 | | ✅ | ❌ | Need to recharge my energy. |
Tamara A | Angel Msgs | 04-18 | 05-04 | | | | |
Latoya Murray | Mini | 04-18 | 05-04 | | | | |
Ronnisha | General | 04-19 | Complete ASAP! | | | | |
Love Martin | Mini | 04-19 | 05-08 | | | | |
Breanna Lasha | Mini | 4-25 | 05-11 | | | | |
How can I schedule a reading if I have a paid membership?